Ask trump supporters reddit
AskTrumpSupporters – Reddit
r/AskTrumpSupporters: Q&A subreddit to understand Trump supporters, their views, and the reasons behind those views. Debates are discouraged.
Best Donald Trump Posts – Reddit
Find the best posts and communities about Donald Trump on Reddit.
Find the best posts and communities about Donald Trump on Reddit
u/trumpmynews – Reddit
r/AskTrumpSupporters icon r/AskTrumpSupporters … [Trump Supporters] If Trump’s tax returns showed he paid little or nothing in taxes, how would you react?
u/asktrumpsupporters – Reddit
10.5.2016 — asktrumpsupporters. u/asktrumpsupporters. 1 karma · Joined 7 yr. ago. Follow
r/The_Donald – Wikipedia
r/The_Donald was a subreddit where participants created discussions and Internet memes in support of former U.S. president Donald Trump.
Populist Supporters on Reddit – SAGE Journals
kirjoittanut A Jungherr · 2022 · Viittausten määrä 9 — Populist Supporters on Reddit: A Comparison of Content and. Behavioral Patterns Within. Publics of Supporters of Donald. Trump and Hillary Clinton.
I let 11 elderly Trump supporters die at retirement home
I let 11 elderly Trump supporters die at retirement home: Reddit user | World News | Inshorts
a reddit user by the name lovethislife0101 has claimed he let eleven elderly supporters of us president donald trump die under his care by refusing to …
a reddit user by the name lovethislife0101 has claimed he let eleven elderly supporters of us president donald trump die under his care by refusing to revive them adding that he gave them the wrong medicine i am literally letting you fuers die off these people vote like 100 of the time so it counts he wrote in a post
Donald Trump’s supporters on Reddit explain why they … – Vox
Donald Trump’s supporters on Reddit explain why they support Trump — and it’s fascinating – Vox
10.8.2015 — The responses ranged from support of nationalism to enjoying the chaos that a Trump presidency could bring.
The responses ranged from support of nationalism to enjoying the chaos that a Trump presidency could bring.
Trump Supporters Who Are Also Eminem Fans Are Having A …
Trump Supporters Who Are Also Eminem Fans Are Having A Dilemma On Reddit – Okayplayer
Well, a Reddit thread titled “Huge Eminem fan and a Trump supporter” has sprung up. “I watched the cypher and obviously heard the ending yet I will still listen …
A number of Eminem fans who are also Trump supporters are feeling some type of way. Last night Eminem took Trump and his supporters to task with a surprise freestyle during BET’s annual Hip-Hop Awards ceremony, concluding the performance with a frustrated “f**k you” to his fans that also happen to be supporters of Agent
Welcome to the Bizarro World of Trump Supporters on Reddit
Welcome to the Bizarro World of Trump Supporters on Reddit | WIRED
27.7.2016 — The wildly popular pro-Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald is the “safe space” the GOP nominee’s supporters say they need online.
The wildly popular pro-Trump subreddit /r/The_Donald is the “safe space” the GOP nominee’s supporters say they need online.
Keywords: ask trump supporters reddit